We are incredibly excited to launch AdventureOut! Games to the public, and we hope everyone finds the games as enjoyable, challenging and exciting as we do. But there are steps that people need to take so we thought a diagram would help. This diagram shows how the games work – hopefully this will make it simple to understand how good the games are.

There are a few key points we want to explain further though.

The pause button allows you to stop the games (and the timer) once for as long as you need. So, a stop for a toilet break is good, but how about a picnic? Or nip over to the pub for lunch. The timer will start when you are ready, back in place.

Another button! The Extend button gives you an easy choice over a shorter or longer game, all for the same price. After the first 90 minutes (give or take depending on clue success) you will have a choice to end the game or add three more clues on, giving an additional 30 minutes of play time. So if the kids are flagging, ignore the extend and go for the certificate of glory! But if they want more, then the click of that button keeps you going for a little bit longer.

Hints & Help are available on every clue & puzzle. Hint 1 is green and will help a little, at the cost of 2 minutes extra time. Hint 2 will help you a lot but comes in quite expensive, at 5 extra minutes added to the total. Finally, the green 10 minute button will tell you where you should be and reset you ready for the next challenge – just in case you get lost or have lots of differences of opinion!

These are just three of the fantastic features built into the AdventureOut! App – download and get ready to play! See the rest of the site for more information.